New York City sets new record: no murders for 10 days | NYPD says 10-day stretch breaks 2013 record and shows crime is falling but criminologists urge caution and say crime swings are cyclical | US news | The Guardian - http://www.theguardian.com/us-news...
“There’s been much discussion about the reason for the declines among criminologists, economists, about why that happens,” Nagin said. “On that issue, I’ve never found any of the explanations particularly convincing.” ¶ Nagin and other sociologists say that many theories are flawed. Hypotheses on the dip in violent crime have ranged from the availability of legal abortion to the concentration of lead particulate in a given neighborhood. ¶ “One reason they fail to explain is: why is it homicide rates have been declining in many places across the world?” Nagin said about the theories generally. “In most of western Europe, homicide rates have declined by 50%.” • #стайность - urbansheep@gmail.com
How about lead poisoning having stopped? http://www.bbc.com/news... - 9000
Я, как советский человек, вообще уверен, что полицейские просто всех жертв ослепляют вспышкой стирателя памяти из Людей в чёрном, а трупы прячут по канализации. Не убивают как это не убивают. А также видели мы эту статистику силовых структур никому верить нельзя все лгут! - urbansheep@gmail.com