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How New York Pay Phones Became Guerrilla Libraries - Arts & Lifestyle - The Atlantic Cities - http://www.theatlanticcities.com/arts-an...
“Can you describe the phones you've outfitted so far, and how people have responded to them? So far only two booths have been converted. There will absolutely be more. Each iteration has to be judged to see what works, both in terms of siting and how to engage the public. For instance, the first test was in a more remote block. The books were neither marked, nor were any instructions given. After a few days the books were gone. I added more, and those too were removed within a few days. After another two weeks, the shelves disappeared. The second iteration was placed in a more prominent intersection near a subway entrance and was much more successful. I marked the spine of the books to deter reselling, and there was a positive response in that people began leaving books as well as taking them. Unfortunately, after about six weeks the shelves and books were removed. The next iteration will include subtle instruction for how to use the booth, because I noticed a lot of people were hesitant to take a book. Something as simple as a few words, like "share" or "borrow.” - × × ×
(вот это место: http://g.co/maps/rnkvt) - 9000