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A.A. History -- A Manual for Alcoholics Anonymous - 1940 - http://www.barefootsworld.net/aamanua...
“This booklet is intended to be a practical guide for new members and sponsors of new members of Alcoholics Anonymous. TO THE NEWCOMER: The booklet is designed to give you a practical explanation of what to do and what not to do in your search for sobriety. The editors, too, were pretty bewildered by the program at first. They realize that very likely you are groping for answers and offer this pamphlet in order that it may make a little straighter and less confusing the highway you are about to travel. TO THE SPONSOR: lf you have never before brought anyone into A.A. the booklet attempts to tell you what your duties are by your "Baby," how you should conduct yourself while visiting patients, and other odd bits at information, some of which may be new to you. The booklet should be read in conjunction with the large book, Alcoholics Anonymous, the Bible, the daily lesson, any other pamphlets that are published by the group, and other constructive literature.” - × × ×