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Ватсон наиндексировал столько, что из своей базы про одну только еду уже может сочинять <s>поэмы</s> уникальные неизведанные рецепты: Four IBM chefs whose hands prepare Watson’s recipes: Chef James Briscione, Chef Michael Laiskonis, Chef Michael Garret, and Florian Pinel - http://upstart.bizjournals.com/entrepr...
"The UpTake: Thanks to Watson's massive reservoir of data about what kind of food combinations humans love, the super computer has proven a knack for creating popular, unique recipes. But for the time being, it still doesn't have hands to prepare the food." - × × ×
You thought the AI will write brilliant poems and compose music for you? It will create brilliant sandwiches and compose perfect salads instead. - 9000