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The Art of Writing in (e)Books: A conversation on the history and future of marginalia with Dr. Heather Jackson — Editor's Picks — Medium - https://medium.com/editors...
“The Readmill community has been writing in ebooks for over two years, and just last week, we brought conversation into the text of a book itself. Readers can now connect through their marginalia, allowing for a beautiful new way to read together from anywhere. In celebration of this release, Dr. Heather Jackson, author of Marginalia: Readers Writing in Books (Yale University Press), shares her perspective on the past and future of marginalia. Quotations below are excerpted from her book.” • #прокниги - #будущее_мидий - #processed_book - #теория_поля - × × ×
будущее_мидий? - социальный груффало
Мидии такие. - × × ×
О, я по ее книжке статью писал. Хорошая книжка - Неягл☀в
мидийные_технологии? - социальный груффало
Технологии, возможности и неизбежности, да. (Беркус, ты как будто первый раз в жизни смотришь в мои названия тегов.)) - × × ×