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Trendtaste: Comment Innovation: An Open Door of Startup Opportunity? - http://www.readwriteweb.com/start...
“The problem faced by most online news sites is that the anonymous nature of the Internet makes it very easy for vulgarity and off-putting comments to be posted, and for some sites, these types of comments pervade their site. Many of today's popular sites with comments have integrated systems to where readers can vote down bad comments while promoting good comments, which helps the bad stuff to be filtered out. Others have tried blocking fowl language with asterisks or by deleting the comment automatically, but this has only lead users to find unique ways of spelling their beloved curse words.” - × × ×
И Фред Уилсон: http://www.avc.com/a_vc... — “Tereza asked me to comment on the NY Times piece that ran this weekend on news sites' decision to move away from anonymous commenters. I think anonymous commenting leads to a lot of bad behavior and it should be discouraged. But I think anonymous commenting should be allowed and I allow it here. There are enough examples out there of why someone would want to comment anonymously that I think it has a place in the online conversation. In the world of user generated content, you are always going to get posts that you don't want. Fortunately, there are a number of techniques that can be used to downgrade or even largely hide that behavior from the vast majority of users without taking it down. I think anonymous comments should be subjected to some of those techniques.” - × × ×
Бугага. Ну ладно, удачно, синхроимпульс по ноосфере значит долбанул, будем смотреть, куда раскатится и выведет. Также см.: «где вести дискуссии длиннее тысячи знаков?» http://ff.im/iYccN и «совместить лучшее из форматов обсуждений в фрф/фейсбуке и жж» http://ff.im/iXQdB. Но смешно, конечно. - × × ×
И вот про длину/качество комментов: http://ignorethecode.net/blog... — “To find out whether there really is a correlation between comment length and quality, I’ve set up a little experiment this weekend. I’ve loaded a bunch of comments from MetaFilter and YouTube,1 and I’ve asked people to rate them.” ☭ Отличное: “What’s interesting about swear words is that not all of them are created alike. Some actually improve comment quality.” - × × ×
@mama1ari: (К нашему разговору про длину/качество/скоринг комментариев и обсуждений — 15 июня в Ст.) - × × ×