“The one shortcoming that the YotaPhone 2 will struggle to overcome, though, is its affordability compared to its competitors. Its UK price of £555 is nearly £200 more than it would cost me to buy a Nexus 5 and an Amazon Kindle. In fact, it’s more expensive than an Xperia Z3 plus a Kindle or an Xperia Z3 Compact — the top phone that I’d currently recommend — together with the illuminated Kindle Paperwhite. And yet, none of those combinations give me both the phone and the e-reader in one curvy package that slides easily into my pocket. The YotaPhone 2 is expensive, but it’s also unique.” - urbansheep@gmail.com
(То есть, как экспериментальное второе устройство для андроида его было бы прикольно, наверное, получить, но при прочих равных жаба душит.) • #вишлист - urbansheep@gmail.com