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The shocking truth about Silicon Valley genius Doug Engelbart | ZDNet - http://www.zdnet.com/the-sho...
"His work transformed the way people use computers today by making them accessible and "personal." His seminal demo of computer graphical user interfaces using a mouse and keyboard transformed people's careers and changed the course of their lives -- even for those that weren't there but heard about it from others! [Doug Engelbart 1968 Demo] However, despite all the accolades and testaments to his genius, Silicon Valley largely ignored his work and he spent decades trying to find funding for his ideas, and even someone to listen to him." - × × ×
“Silicon Valley lauds its pioneers but doesn't know what to do with them if they keep living. Logitech, which made a lot of money from the computer mouse, one of Mr Engelbart's creations, gave him permanent office space. And some of his supporters have provided modest amounts of money to enable him to keep working, as part of the Bootstrap organization, recently renamed the Doug Engelbart Institute. Almost a decade later following our conversation, nothing much changed for Mr Engelbart. A lonely genius wandering for nearly 40 years amidst a desert of resources.” - × × ×