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Stanford researchers demo social NFC applications on the Nexus S -- Engadget - http://www.engadget.com/2011...
“To hear most mobile companies tell it these days, you'd think that NFC (or near field communications) is only for mobile payments. That's not the case at all, of course, and a group of researchers at Stanford's MobiSocial lab have now thrown a few new ideas of their own onto the table after getting a pair of Nexus S phones to play with. After first making a few tweaks to overcome some of Gingerbread's limitations -- it only uses NFC for reading tags -- they were able to develop a few social-minded applications that make use of the P2P functionality possible with NFC. That includes one example that lets you share photos simply by pressing two phones together, and a second that lets two phones share an application -- collaborative whiteboard, in this case.” - × × ×
есть и более гиковые но очевидные юз кейсы. pgp/gpg key signing например - Michael Bravo
Хех, шаринг (и воздействие вообще) через прикосновение вызывает кинестетический восторг. Скорее бы уже метод распространился и стал частью массовой культуры использования мобильных девайсов. - alex@musayev.com