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Flickr is Dead / Thomas Hawk - http://thomashawk.com/2011...
"But Flickr is very much dead in the water. It will take time to really see it happen, but they’ve lost the soul of photosharing. They’ve lost the spirit of photosharing — the zest and passion and love — and while they got away with that for a long time due to lack of competition, things have now changed with Google Photos arriving on the scene, and to a degree 500px as well. I’m sure I’ll get a bunch of haters responding to this post. Flickr is still beloved by so many of us. Myself included. I still upload photos up there every single day. Don’t hate me for sharing this opinion. And don’t bash Google Photos for whatever features you think they lack compared to flickr — but, but, but, Google+ doesn’t have groups, blah, blah, blah. All that’s coming. As I mentioned before, it’s not about the features, it’s about the spirit. And with weekly innovation on their invite only beta product, Google+ is far more likely to get the final product right than Flickr is to innovate at this point." - × × ×
Занятно, что именно Google+ упоминается ка основная альтернатива. В смысле, пока тут думаешь «взлетит ли оно и куда», там оно уже — как минимум «фотохостинг современнее фликра». - обречённый зверёк¹
смотрел фид томаса в гугл+ и да, фликр -- мертв - хорошо хоть, что хуй цел
Flickr Designer Publicly Criticizes Flickr's Design: http://b23.ru/noe4 . Забавно, что на прошлой неделе они всё-таки обновили ленту новых фото контактов. - Документы зимы хорошие