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Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and _why: The disappearance of one of the world’s most beloved computer programmers. - Slate Magazine - http://www.slate.com/article...
слава _why дошла до мейнстрима - кот от котов
“Back in the old days, you could hack your Commodore 64 without too much trouble. But just try to get a sense of the millions of lines of code controlling a Windows computer, or the Google search engine, or your Android or iPhone. For starters, the user interface and legally enforced sanctity of the code will prevent you from even seeing it. And even if you managed to take a look, the code would be so complex you would struggle to understand it, let alone manipulate it. # For that reason, _why explained in the “Little Coder’s Predicament”—and over and over again at conferences and panels—too few people were learning to code. The learning curve was too steep. There needed to be a simple, fun, awesome way to draw people in.” ¶ Why, the lucky stiff! - × × ×
fascinating - smallq
Good discussion with the Slate writer about whether she went too far in tracking _why down: http://news.ycombinator.com/item... — парни ругают журналистку за дотошность, зачем-то переходя в плоскость how _why felt. И традиционная эта уверенность того, что твоя личная точка зрения на этику — не просто самая правильная, а единственно верная, остальные — заблуждения, добросовестные или нет. - × × ×
Я вот что скажу: _why своим исчезновением вызвал разновидность эффекта Стрейзанд. Если хочешь и в самом деле исчезнуть, нужно быть неуловимым Джо. - mindszenty
where is Mark Pilgrim and his Streisand effect? - кот от котов
“But, even if the person behind _why wanted to disappear, _why has done anything but. The Streisand Effect proved tremendous. Among Rubyists, his offline identity as Jonathan Gillette has become accepted, and common, knowledge. And he only became more famous for having vanished.” (from OP) - × × ×