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Flickr Should Have Built Instagram. But They Didn’t. Here’s Why. - http://techcrunch.com/2010...
“Back in June, we reported on the departure of Kellan Elliott-McCrea from Yahoo. While not hugely known outside the developer community, we had received several tips indicating just how important Elliott-McCrea was to the Flickr team, where his role as “Architect” was supposedly “vital” to the service. So who better to answer questions about Flickr than Elliott-McCrea (who is now the VP of Engineering for Etsy), right? And that’s exactly what he’s done on Quora.” - × × ×
“So is this Yahoo’s failure? Another Quora answer by Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield sheds a bit of light on that. While the question asked isn’t directly related to the Flickr/Instagram idea, it is related to innovation at Flickr: Would Flickr have been more innovative since their acquisition if it had been Google that acquired them? “Impossible to know, but my instinct is that it would have made no difference. The problem at Yahoo! was being starved for resources and I’m pretty sure that would have happened at Google too,” Butterfield writes.” - × × ×