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The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Genius — Evolution's It Girl: In 1993, Margie Profet received a MacArthur "Genius" grant tor her work in Evolutionary Biology. She was 34. • Margie Profet generated solutions to seemingly intractable puzzles of biology. Then she disappeared. | Psychology Today - http://www.psychologytoday.com/article...
“Yet Profet’s best known and most controversial theory focused on menstruation, a seemingly inefficient and taxing biological process that has long escaped clear understanding. Menstruation, she argued, is nature’s way of cleansing reproductive canals. “Sperm are vectors of disease,” she famously stated. Bacteria from male and female genitalia cling to sperm and travel to the uterus, a concept she suggested in a 1982 Obstetrics and Gynecology journal paper entitled “Evidence for Microbial Transfer by Spermatozoa.” ¶ Women should stay away from oral contraceptives that suppress menstruation, Profet insisted. And when patients complain of heavy periods, doctors should test for cancer and infections. ¶ Rethink contraception! Avoid vegetables during pregnancy! Profet’s ideas stirred controversy. But she also emerged as a crossover celebrity rarely seen in academe. People, Elle and Harper’s Bazaar came calling. Even Scientific American and Time swooned. ¶ Profet’s backstory was irresistible: A Renaissance mind in an alluring package, she published serious research without a doctorate or a steady place to call home. At the age of 35 she had just bought her first car and rented her first house.” - × × ×
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