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The Making Of: Elite | Features | Edge Online - http://www.edge-online.com/feature...
“When someone unfamiliar comes knocking on your door at ten o’ clock in the evening dripping with rain and weary after travelling the 300 miles from Liverpool to Cambridgeshire, you know you are in the presence of an obsessive. Questions including: ‘In which galaxy can the Generation ships be found?’ and ‘Just how many stars make up the whole game universe?’ only serve to re-establish the weird world of fandom which David Braben and Ian Bell, co-creators of Elite, must occasionally warp into.” • #проигры - × × ×
Priceless — “The game naturally pushed the BBC Micro to its limits and the headache of compressing all the data down to 22K proved a constant struggle.” - × × ×
“This maverick space trading game broke every conceivable convention. Pac-Man and Defender clones ruled the videogame industry. Who would want to play a game which had no recognisable goal and committed the blasphemy of having no points total? “The reasons they cited were all true,” concedes Braben. “But ironically they would turn out to be the strengths of the game.” Among the criticisms levelled at Elite were that it was too long, required save positions, used vector graphics, and wasn’t colourful enough.” - × × ×
“Wasn't colourful enough” is a valid display name! - × × ×