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Smarter Cities - A collaborative intelligence project for building a planet of smarter cities. - http://smartercities.tumblr.com/
“SmarterCities is an outgrowth of IBM's Smarter Planet initiative, which is focused on how all the systems in the world -- including food production, healthcare delivery, energy use, traffic and water management -- can become more instrumented, interconnected and, as a result, intelligent. ¶ Cities are the crossroads of these networks. They are also where human populations are increasingly concentrated, with more than 66% of humanity projected to live in major metropolitan areas by 2050. ¶ That's where you come in: building on the Smarter Cities Summit in New York City October 1-2, this Smarter Cities Scan is your opportunity to share ideas, propose projects and learn about the innovations that can help us become a planet of smarter cities. If anything cries out for "crowd sourcing" and collective intelligence, the city as a "system of systems" does.” - × × ×