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Almost Human: The Surreal, Cyborg Future of Telemarketing. Americans are fielding millions of calls from bright, energetic telemarketers, but what they don't know is that they're talking to machines... Sort of. - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/technol...
“This is a story about how the future gets weird. It's about how humans interact with each other, and machines, and systems that can only properly be called cyborg. Let's start, though, with a man sitting on a couch. His phone rings. It's a telemarketer for a home security service. "This is Richard, how are you today?" asks the telemarketer. His voice is confident and happy. His accent is classic American. Perhaps he grew up in Nebraska”. - × × ×
“But perhaps the best term is "cyborg telemarketing." As one experienced manager in the Philippines told me, "Basically, the agent is just the driver but the system has its own life. The agents work as ears and hands of the system." At its best, computer system and operator merge like a character from the movie Avatar and his or her steed.” - × × ×
Рактивки из Алмазного века, да.) - × × ×