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Play, don’t replay! HELP PREVENT PTSD | you found me. - http://janemcgonigal.com/2014...
“Researchers at Oxford University tested a theory that playing the videogame Tetris as soon as possible after witnessing or experiencing a trauma could prevent flashbacks, one of the most painful and difficult-to-treat symptoms of PTSD. ¶ How it works: Games like Tetris (and Candy Crush Saga, Bejeweled, SpaceWar, etc) are so visually absorbing, they prevent your brain from concentrating on what you saw, and therefore block your brain from forming long-term visual memories of the trauma. ¶ The researchers successfully tested their theory in a laboratory setting — Tetris DID prevent flashbacks. But it’s much more difficult to test with real trauma in real-world situations. Would it work in real life? That’s what we want to help find out.” • #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
Выдавать теплое одеяло и тетрис. - vampire vegetable
Воображаю, как тетрис и подобное сами становятся в культуре образом PTSD, такой замещающей стеной, за которой заглушённый ужас. - 9000