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A Dictionary of the Near Future by Douglas Coupland - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2010...
“DENARRATION: The process whereby one’s life stops feeling like a story.¶ OMNISCIENCE FATIGUE: The burnout that comes with being able to know the answer to almost anything online.¶ CHRISTMAS-MORNING FEELING: A sensation created by stimulus to the anterior amygdala that leaves one with a strong sense of expectation.¶ INTERNAL VOICE BLINDNESS: The near universal inability of people to articulate the tone and personality of the voice that forms their interior monologue.¶ STOVULAX: A micro-targeted drug of the future designed to stop fantastically specific O.C.D. cases, in this case a compulsion involving the inability of some people to convince themselves after leaving the house that the stove is turned off.” #trendtaste - × × ×