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Если мозг не успевает забывать достаточно быстро, чтобы поспевать за обучением, начинается шизофрения и балаган, избыток материала перегружает цепи выявления смысла. — Scientists Afflict Computers With Schizophrenia - Slashdot - http://science.slashdot.org/story...
“Computer networks that can't forget fast enough can show symptoms of of virtual schizophrenia, giving researchers new clues to the inner workings of schizophrenic brains, say researchers at the University of Texas at Austin and Yale University. In their experiments, the scientists used a virtual neural network to simulate an excessive release of dopamine in the brain and found that the network recalled memories in a distinctly schizophrenic-like fashion. The results bolster a hypothesis known in schizophrenia circles as the hyperlearning hypothesis, which posits that people suffering from schizophrenia have brains that lose the ability to forget or ignore as much as they normally would. Without forgetting, they lose the ability to extract what's meaningful out of the immensity of stimuli the brain encounters.” #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
(this also makes Borges's Funes impossible, alas) - 9000