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An Entirely Other Day: The Empathy Vacuum - http://www.eod.com/blog...
"The app has been flayed not for its implementation but for its conception, often in the language of the Web, by which I mean the most hyperbolic terms possible. Derision from Cult of Mac. Disapproval from Esquire. The accusation that my goofy project has killed romance as we know it from Elle. Fifteen hundred words of high-minded arm-chair psychology and moral indignation from the Atlantic, including the comparison of the app’s users to — reductio ad absurdum — those who need reminding not to harm animals. And thousands and thousands of excoriating tweets." • #семейное - × × ×
Fuck Yeah! — “When you run Romantimatic the first time, it will ask you to select your sweetheart from among your contacts. From then on, it will remind you to stop what you’re doing every once in a while and send them a nice message. The app comes with a couple dozen pre-written texts, and you can add any number of your own, or compose something new when the reminders arrive. You can vary the frequency of the reminders — anything from twice a day to once a week — and set the days of the week and the hours of the day that the app will be active. It’s as simple as that!” - × × ×