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The Impossibility of Making New Friends ¶ After moving to New York, Janet Manley attempts to find new friends through Meetup.com. « The Bygone Bureau - http://bygonebureau.com/2012...
"However, the difference between meeting people through friends of friends, and meeting people through a meet-up is the filter that is missing. As Groucho Marx said, “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.” Through internet-facilitated introductions, the social filter — rejection, antagonism, indifference — that serves to sift “like spirits” from cloudiness is missing. You cast a wider net, but so, too, you catch more sneakers and transistor radios and car tires than fish (presuming this metaphor is employed in the East River). Even so, you may see me at the annual Caveman Campout this year; I’m putting it tentatively on the calendar." • #стайность - × × ×