Explain the events of Star Wars Episodes 4-6 like you are a heavily biased Imperial history textbook - http://np.reddit.com/r...
"The Emperor was a highly competent leader and a wise negotiator, but was nonetheless hindered in several respects. To start with, the insurgency did not die with their leaders on Mustafar. A shadowy group of imperial senators took advantage of the power vacuum, and assumed leadership of the terrorist rebellion. Furthermore, there was widespread political resistance to the rule of the Empire, due to several individual star systems unwisely rejecting the fact that they would benefit from Imperial rule, both economically and militarily. ¶ To resolve these niggling issues, the Emperor adopted a two-pronged strategy. Firstly, he dissolved the Imperial Senate, which meant that the inefficiency of bureaucracy could be replaced by a more streamlined decisioning process, thus greatly accelerating the pace of governance and legislation. Secondly, the Emperor ordered the construction of a space station known as the Peace Moon.” • #now_this_is_awesome#рубрика_прекрасное - urbansheep@gmail.com
“The Peace Moon was meant to be a symbol of the Empire's technical advancement, as well as the advantages of hegemony. While it could theoretically be used in an offensive manner, its commanding officer, Grand Moff Tarkin, gave repeated statements that he had no intention of using it in such a way. However, the fact that the Peace Moon could be used for attack gave the rebels an opening. In IY19, a prototypical false flag operation, the terrorist rebellion timed their attack for when the Peace Moon was touring near the planet of Alderaan. Using means that have yet to be fully understood, the terrorists detonated the entire planet, and blamed it on the Peace Moon.” - urbansheep@gmail.com