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Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities: A place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules - http://cnx.org/ (via http://friendfeed.com/central...)
“Information is often presented to us linearly, but the way we learn is most often by making connections between new concepts and things we already know. Connexions content is modular for easy remixing. This makes it easier and more cost effective to update and adapt content. Modular content varies in length at the author’s discretion and typically consists of a single idea or topic. These modules or ideas are woven into collections. Collections can be textbooks, courses, journals, etc. # Connexions delivers complete sets of educational course materials and textbooks in many different formats. Materials are available for students to access 24/7/365. Students can: view over the internet for free, download free PDFs to use off-line on their computers, download free EPUB versions of the content for use on e-readers and mobile phones, order low cost hard copy sets of the materials (textbooks) as well.” #образование - × × ×