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Проигры: Your gamerDNA is Explorer / Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology - http://www.gamerdna.com/quizzes...
http://www.gamerdna.com/quizzes... “It's not so much the wandering around and poking about, but that euphoric eureka moment the Explorer strives for. The joys of discovery do not necessarily involve geography, real or virtual. They may derive from the mental road less traveled, the uncovering of esoteric or hidden knowledge and it's creative application. Explorers make great theory crafters. The most infinitesimal bit of newness can deliver the most delicious zing to an Explorer. Explorer Socializers are the glue of the online world. Not only do they like to delve in to find all the cool stuff, but they also enjoy sharing that knowledge with others. Explorer socializers power the wikis, maps, forums and theory craft sites of the gamer world.” - × × ×
@kkapp: Спасибо за игрушку, хорошая. - × × ×
Я себе удивился -- такая банальщина, а реально открыла мне третий глаз :) я вдруг сразу "всё понял" про смерть квестов от Сиерры, про феномен эндгейма, про волшебные кирпичи в арканоиде и т.д. :)) - alex@kapranoff.ru
Спасибо.Попробую. - Владимир