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How Sci-Fi Makes Us More Open to Strange Forms of Sex and Sexuality | Science Not Fiction | Discover Magazine - http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/science...
"A key measure of social progress is how accepting we are of different permutations of sexuality. Sexuality can get extremely complex. For those who think it’s only male or female, gay or straight, think again. Consider the following possible variables: # Male or Female (biological sex) # Homo or Hetero (sexual preference) # Cis or Trans (gender presentation) # Asexual or Hypersexual (libido level) # Mono or Poly (relationship structure) Each of these variables is not an either/or situation, but sits on a spectrum. So, if asked to self-identify, the question is not “are you asexual or hypersexual” but, “on a scale of one to ten, one being no sex drive, ten being perpetual, overwhelming sex drive, how would you rate your libido?” And a number in one variable might have no bearing on another. A binary is just not enough – there is a reason the rainbow is representative of the queer community." - × × ×