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Media for Thinking the Unthinkable — Designing a new medium for science and engineering, Bret Victor / April 2013 - http://worrydream.com/MediaFo...
“I publish talks because this work is best conveyed through live demos — show-and-tell — and the "talk" is a medium that supports that. ¶ But a talk is a poor knowledge-container. It's opaque. The viewer can't skim, browse, or get a gist at a glance. Ideas can't be looked up as needed; they feel fleeting. The medium works well for entertainment — watch and enjoy — but not for a toolbox. ¶ This page is an attempt to "explode" a demo-driven talk into a skimmable, browsable, gistable form, where individual ideas can be quickly referenced later.” • #визуализация - × × ×
Очень классное видео, спасибо - nazer