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The Mathematics Of Beauty « OkTrends - http://blog.okcupid.com/index...
“The more men who say you're hot, the more messages you get. Men who think you're cute actually subtract from your message count. This tells us that guys giving you a '4', who are actually rating you above average-looking, are taking away from the messages you get. Very surprising. In fact, when you combine this with the positive number in front of the m1 term, our formula says that, statistically speaking: If someone doesn't think you're hot, the next best thing for them to think is that you're ugly.” #говоря_статистически#дейтинг - × × ×
“Browsing OkCupid, I see so many photos that are clearly designed to minimize some supposedly unattractive trait—the close-cropped picture of a person who's probably overweight is the classic example. We now have mathematical evidence that minimizing your "flaws" is the opposite of what you should do. If you're a little chubby, play it up. If you have a big nose, play it up. If you have a weird snaggletooth, play it up: statistically, the guys who don't like it can only help you, and the ones who do like it will be all the more excited.” - × × ×