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Hosted and centralized: With hosted mockups, you never have to worry about emailing mockups back and forth. You and your client will always be looking at the same version of the same mockup. Getting on the same page is the first way mocklinkr makes life a little bit easier. ¶ Linked and clickable: Instead of telling your clients how to navigate through the mockups of their site, show them. Link together all of your mockups with a few clicks and drags in mocklinkr and you will be able to navigate through them like a real site. ¶ Ready to collect and manage feedback: Your clients shouldn’t have to describe what part of the screen they are looking at when they give you feedback on your design. With mocklinkr, they simply show you by drawing boxes and leaving feedback, which is conveniently organized for you in a special comments inbox. - × × ×
То, что раньше делалось как «конструкторы гипертекстового нарратива» высоколобыми экспериментаторами, теперь делает для себя и других каждая небольшая девелоперская компания, потому что «взять пачку картинок, разметить ссылки, сделать комментирование — это же так очевидно!» - × × ×