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“Practice, pray, and have redundancies”: On the imperfect science of liveblogging » Nieman Journalism Lab - http://www.niemanlab.org/2012...
"When a Gizmodo liveblog rolls out it’s a neatly packaged machine, text flowing inline with photos with stories posted throughout the duration of an event. Gizmodo, like many tech blogs, has this down to a routine — or, actually, a drill. “We had a practice run on Monday,” Brown told me. “Yes, we do practice.” In this case, using video from a previous iPad launch, the team, including a handful of reporters, editors, and tech staff, went through the motions of covering the event. One reason for that is to make sure there are no kinks in their system (Gizmodo uses a custom liveblogging tool built by Gawker Media’s developers.)" #будущее_мидий - × × ×
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“Brown has a mantra that most editors would recognize: “Practice, pray, and have redundancies.” Still, the uncertainty that comes with covering any event live, knowing a multitude of things could go awry either on the technical or human end, may be part of what gives liveblogging its particular energy. Said Brown: “If there wasn’t any risk of screwing up, it wouldn’t be so much fun.” - × × ×
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