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Tim Ferriss Wants to Hack Your Body | Magazine - http://www.wired.com/magazin...
“Tim Ferriss is a self-made lab rat. The author and entrepreneur has been subjecting himself to audacious experiments in physical training and nutrition since high school. In perhaps the most extreme undertaking, he packed on 34 pounds of muscle while dropping 3 pounds of fat in 28 days. He recounts his adventures in a new book, The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman, a title he reverse-engineered from data he collected from the clickstream and Twitterverse.” #прокниги - × × ×
“Wired: There’s a long section on sexual performance in the new book, where you get hands-on instruction on what you call “facilitating” female orgasm. Why did you want to include this? ¶ Ferriss: This book is entirely a product of polling and asking people what they want to learn about. When you try to find out about female orgasm, you get into a lot of misinformation really quickly. Separating fact from fiction is really hard. So I figured, why not just do the tests? Sex is so key to quality of life. The way it’s discussed is always vague because we live in a puritanical society. I mean, they won’t show nipples in advertisements, so they’re definitely not going to talk about the anatomy of the clitoris. ¶ Wired: There’s a shortage of sex advice? ¶ Ferriss: I think most of the sexual advice out there is bullshit. It’s based on a book that was influenced by a book that was influenced by a book. There’s no testing. The sex is right in the subtitle of my book, and most people jump right to that section.” - × × ×
“Testing is how I ended up with the title of The 4-Hour Workweek as well. That was one of about 12 titles I tested using Google AdWords. I bid on keywords or phrases associated with the book content, like “world travel,” “401K,” etc. And then the ads that were displayed had the title of the book as the headline and the subtitle as the ad text. And then I just looked at the clickthrough rates. ¶ Wired: What was on the pages when people clicked through? ¶ Ferriss: Nothing—just “under construction.” - × × ×
Ссылка на скачивание — http://b23.ru/c8ot (спасибо @earlyadopter) - × × ×
Dear earlyadopter, где вы это все берете? Я последнее время стала честным человеком и покупаю 90% электронных книжек, но трансформация еще не завершена. - Prometa