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How Races and Religions Match in Online Dating « OkTrends - http://blog.okcupid.com/index...
“We slice OkCupid’s data on compatibility by religion, race, and other factors, and by the end we’ll have some unsettling conclusions on how people match and interact online. But first, I want to explain something important. What Does It Mean To “Match” Someone? All OkCupid users create their own matching algorithms, so when we determine who matches who, we’re just crunching the numbers people give us. It is an expression of how well they might get along. Percentage between two people is a condensed, yet statistically valid, expression of how well they might get along. 75% is very high, 45% is very low, and 60.2% is the site-wide average. If, for example, a couple match each other 71%, it means they are likely to like each other, based on their own individual definitions of what makes a person cool, sexy, and attractive, not ours. I point this out now so that, below, when we claim that Jewish women are easier to get along with than Christians, you don’t blame us, you blame Jesus.” #говоря_статистически - × × ×