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Новые пикейные жилеты: как пожилые корейцы засквотили Макдачную, и тусят от рассвета до заката / Fighting a McDonald’s in Queens for the Right to Sit. And Sit. And Sit. - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
“Shortly after New Year’s Day, Man Hyung Lee, 77, was nursing a coffee in his usual seat in a narrow booth at a McDonald’s in Flushing, Queens, when two police officers stepped into the fluorescent light of the restaurant. Mr. Lee said the officers had been called because he and his friends — a revolving group who shuffle into the McDonald’s on the corner of Parsons and Northern Boulevards on walkers, or with canes, in wheelchairs or with infirm steps, as early as 5 a.m. and often linger until well after dark — had, as they seem to do every day, long overstayed their welcome.” - × × ×
“Outside the McDonald’s on Saturday, Sang Yong Park, 76, and his friend, Il Ho Park, 76, tried to explain what drew them there. They come every single day to gossip, chat about politics back home and in their adopted land, hauling themselves up from the banquettes with their canes to step outside for short cigarillo breaks. And they could not say why they keep coming back — after a short walk around the block to blow off steam — every time the officers remove them. They said they had each been ousted three times so far.” - × × ×
«Открытка старику @screamager», как говорится, письмо из будущего, легко представить себе, что - - -. “They are almost without exception nattily dressed, in suits or dress slacks, brightly colored ties or sweaters, fedoras and well-shined shoes.” - × × ×
А также у меня новый кейс для того, чтобы задавать его своим будущим падаванам, когда мы будем изучать работу с живыми людьми в курсе коммьюнити-менеджмента. Что должен сделать ты, простой интеллигентишка, когда не справились — по очереди — макдак, полиция и местные ребята? • #стайность - × × ×
(в сторону) LanguageHat пишет про уместное в этой связи объявление - If you have nothing to do, don't do it here (http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll...) - ⓒⓔⓐ
^ Замечательное )) - × × ×