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Online Community: Compensation Study - Online Community Report - http://www.onlinecommunityreport.com/archive...
Key findings from the report: • The majority of the respondents are: Female (55%) vs. Male (45%), • The majority (61%) of respondents ranged in age from 31-50 years of age. • Most of the respondents have more than 5 years of experience, completed a Bachelors Degree, and work 41-50 hours per week. • The average Salary of the respondents was $81k with a median of $72.5k. There were peaks on both the low ($0-$25k) and high ends (more than $150k), and then also at $60-$65k. • Women are earning only 91% of what men are earning; women averaged $77k, and the men averaged $85k. The average annual salary for all participants was almost $81k. • Most participants are satisfied with their jobs with an average satisfaction score of 4.2 and a median score of 4 (on a scale of 1-5). - × × ×