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U.K. Times Web Site Paywall Kills Two Thirds of Visitor Traffic | Fast Company - http://www.fastcompany.com/1671597...
“the Times converted a mere 12% of its pre-paywall daily viewing audience into signed-up members during the free trial period--a figure that seems horribly low. It gets worse when you do the math to reveal that a mere tenth of these folk then elected to pay for content. In other words, 1.2% of the Times' pre-firewall audience have signed up to pay for it's newly closed-off news material.” #trendtaste #будущее_мидий - × × ×
“But there's another stat that is actually more confusing, even while at first blush you'd think it had obvious implications: Though the paywall was free for a month it ditched overall site visit figures by 58% during this period--merely having to sign up (for no fee) was enough of a barrier to shoo away many visitors. In the first week of payment-only access, this figure rose to 67%. In other words, the Times' grand experiment has resulted in a loss of two thirds of the number of public eyeballs viewing the site's prized news content. That seems disastrous. Or at least it would if the paper didn't have the subscription model running to deliver continuous income from loyal customers.” - × × ×