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Gmail Snooze with Apps Script - Google Apps Developer Blog - http://googleappsdeveloper.blogspot.com/2011...
Омг, скрипты из Гугл Аппс (это те, которые в таблицах) умеют работать с объектом GmailApp! “If you don't know how to setup a script, it's pretty simple. Create a new Google Spreadsheet, and choose "Script Editor" from the "Tools" menu. Paste in all of the code from above and then click the “Save” button and give it a name. In the dropdown labeled "Select a function to run," choose "setup" and click the blue run arrow to the left of it. This will ask you to authorize the script, and will create the necessary labels in your Gmail. Then go to the "Triggers" menu and choose "current script's triggers." Click the link to set up a new trigger, choosing the "moveSnoozes" function, a "time-driven" event, "day timer," and then "midnight to 1am." Click save and you are done.” #электропочта - × × ×