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A Style Guide Guide | elyse holladay - http://www.elyseholladay.com/2012...
“For those of you that attended AEA Austin, or probably any of the other AEAs, much of this was discussed there. Sarah Parmenter talked about UI design patterns and scratch PSDs of all the assets necessary. LukeW's excellent talk Mobile to the Future brought up touch targets, mobile speed performance, and mobile navigation patterns. Ethan Marcotte's talk on responsive design covered various ways to move content based on critical importance to the user, not just technical ease or device size. Outside of AEA, Jonathan Snook’s SMACSS is one of many great resources for how to write modular CSS, and Mark Boulton's Gridset app, Frameless, and Twitter Bootstrap are great examples of how to build responsively. (I’ve barely scratched the surface here!) ¶ Ryan asked me to write up a list of “best practices,” if you will, for him to base his visual style work off of. This list is a compilation of my AEA notes, articles and links I’ve saved, experience, and my ideal of what our process may be... - × × ×