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Fake femme fatale dupes IT guys at US government agency | Naked Security - http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013...
"Ryan cooked up Robin Sage profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., using them to contact nearly 300 people, most of whom were security specialists, military personnel, staff at intelligence agencies and defense contractors. Despite the completely fake profile, which was populated with photos taken from an amateur pornography site, and despite the character's name being taken from a US Army exercise, Sage was offered work at many companies, including Google and Lockheed Martin. She was also asked out to dinner by her male friends, was invited to speak at a private-sector security conference in Miami, and was asked to review an important technical paper by a NASA researcher, the Washington Times reported." - × × ×
При виде такого каждый раз всякие выдуманные шпионские истории кажутся банальностью и унылыми повседневными буднями. • #конкультура - × × ×
Woman in red :) - mindszenty
Самая настоящая, да. Вачовски знают людей. ) - × × ×