The psychology of ‘no': Vancouver transit vote is case study in why it’s so hard to do what makes us happy | National Post - http://news.nationalpost.com/2015...
“The Vancouver transit vote is likely to prove psychologists correct again. By most measures, a “No” result in the plebiscite will make the average person poorer, sicker, less free, more frustrated and, yes, less happy in the long run. Yet this is exactly where the polls show the city is headed.” • #стайность#схватил_за_мозг - urbansheep@gmail.com
«We are more attracted to stories than spreadsheets — the simpler and more mythical, the more compelling.» It's hard not to develop some misanthropy. - 9000
Well, there is an alternative point of view: http://www.vancouversun.com/busines... - c'est tout
^and this alternative view is so primitive." A Yes vote could set a dangerous precedent ..." sad. - eugenio