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Биохимия, психология и статистика на службе у дейтинга: Shortcuts - Blinded by Science in the Online Dating Game - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2009...
"I’VE been checking out Internet dating sites recently. No, I’m not in the market (although my husband is a little suspicious of all this “research”). But since many of my friends use them, I was curious. And because everyone is looking to save money these days, I wanted to know if some sites were more effective — and therefore a better investment — than others." - × × ×
“I asked Bonny Albo, who writes about online dating for About.com, which is owned by The New York Times, what she thought about these claims and if her readers were particularly interested in the science claims of dating sites. “I get the question about scientific validity from readers all the time,” she said. She says she believes that some of the sites have pretty good science behind them. Her eHarmony profile, for example, was right on target. “But,” she said, “did it help me find true love? No.” So what is the next step? Ms. Albo talked about online speed dating or Second Life virtual dating. But, she said, it might end up being something really radical — like abandoning the online world and going back to meeting people through friends and family.” - × × ×