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Searching for the Science of Self | Psychology Today - http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog...
"It turns out that things like a computer mouse and your own avatar, if you get a feedback mechanism going, under certain conditions, your brain will actually incorporate aspects of your avatar. The most famous example is Jaron Lanier who created a virtual lobster that had extra limbs. He was curious if he could figure out how to manipulate, in a virtual environment, those extra limbs, even though in reality he didn’t have them. And it turned out he figured out how to use micro movements and so his brain could in fact figure out how to manipulate an avatar as a representation of self even though that avatar had extra limbs that the human body didn’t have. ¶ That’s amazing. That tells you a lot. That tells you immediately that our sense of self is a construct, which is not the same thing as saying that it’s illusionary, I think it’s very real, but it is certainly not your genetic code or simply your synapses or simply any one thing, it’s all those things integrated together that makes us who we are.” • #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×