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Adding A Social Layer To Gmail Just Became A SocialWok In The Park - http://www.techcrunch.com/2010...
“Previously, you could access Gmail, YouTube, Google Calendar and even conversations in Wave from Socialwok’s Friendfeed-like interface. You can even sign in with your Google Docs credentials. But with the new gadget, Socialwok’s interface will appear within Gmail’s main canvas. Users can view, post and comment on updates; access feeds, files and Google Docs and search for posts, people, feeds, and files.” - × × ×
“As we wrote on our initial review, if Google doesn’t buy the startup, they should at least heavily promote what they’re doing. And it appears that Google has taken the latter route. For now. There’s no doubt that Socialwok could face the same fate as Google Docs killer and collaboration platform Etherpad, which was acquired by Google last year.” Интересно, начались ли уже в Гугле внутренние семинары на тему «раз мы так хреново скупаем стартапы, то давайте учиться строить экосистемы»? И идёт ли партизанская работа на тему «да ладно, хорошие ребята, продукт интересный, не надо их покупать, пусть работают»? А на то, чем обернётся Эзерпад для вейва, мы посмотрим через год-два. - × × ×