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Новый профайл фейсбука стал большим таймлайном с сеткой для контента, отлично: Facebook Unveils Timeline: The Story Of Your Life On A Single Page | TechCrunch - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
“It’s the heart of your Facebook experience, completely rethought from the ground up,” Zuckerberg says, noting that they’ve been working on it all year. “Timeline is the story of your life.” What Zuckerberg showed was a beautiful new Profile that is much more visual than anything Facebook has done before. To be honest, it looks a bit like a really nice Tumblr blog. It has three main parts: * all your stories * all your apps * a new way to express who you are; And it goes all the way back to when you were born. Trying to display all of this content was a major design challenge, Zuckerberg noted. How do you do it all on a single page? Well, all of your recent content is shown in a new grid-view. But as you go back in time, it’s more about summarizing your content to display the most important content. The farther back you go, the less you see — it’s just the key moments. “This is the magic of how Timeline works,” Zuckerberg said.” #редизайн #таймлайны - × × ×
Hey Facebook, Where’s That Timeline and Open Graph You Promised? — http://allthingsd.com/2011120... ¶ “We’re going to roll [Timeline] out widely over the next few weeks as we polish all the edges,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told developers and press attendees in his keynote at f8 on Sept. 22. ¶ But we’re already in December, and those tools have yet to arrive. Why the delay? ¶ “We wanted to let developers build on the platform and to give users more time to get used to the idea of change coming,” a Facebook spokeswoman told AllThingsD, noting that Facebook has been criticized in the past for rolling out products in a hurry. Would she offer a launch date, or even an estimate? Nope. ¶ Developers told AllThingsD that they are eager and ready to launch their Open Graph tools, but that Facebook keeps pushing its dates back. In recent developer communications, Facebook’s promises to launch “before the end of the year” have segued to January, the developers said.” - × × ×
Timeline: Now Available Worldwide — http://blog.facebook.com/blog... - × × ×
какой-то тупак - две колонки неравномерно распределенного контента вместо одной. - Иван
Мне понравилось, хорошая и простая схема для контента. - × × ×
Интересно, как ленту обновлений друзей переделают. - Иван