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Designing for Interesting Moments - http://www.slideshare.net/billwsc...
(Given at Google campus for IxDA, Microsoft campus in Redmond to UX team, Ruby Meetup Group at CMU/Moffett Field & The Ajax Experience 2009. Will be giving again in Florida at Rich Web Experience.) Did you know that there are at least 16 different moments of interaction during drag and drop? And that there are at least a half-dozen elements on the page that conspire with these points in time to form a drag and drop interaction? With almost all user interactions there are lots of interesting moments that you can use to enhance the user experience -- or worse to create confusion in the user’s mind. In this talk, Bill slows down time and puts dozens of interactions under the microscope to study what works and what doesn’t work when creating interactive applications. Nuances from 80+ examples illustrate both what should be emulated (design patterns and best practice tips) as well as what should be avoided (design anti-patterns). These are conveniently summarized in six over-arching design... - × × ×