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“October 26: Sam Restarts His Wedding Diet” — One New York couple’s save-the-date — 164 days of TMI. | New York Magazine - Wedding Guide - http://nymag.com/wedding...
“This is a 28-inch, 1,001-word-long save-the-date that reads like 164 Facebook status updates. ¶ — SAM: We wanted it to be fun. And funny! We’ve lived together for three and a half years; we wanted to give people a peek. ¶ — You sent it to 150 guests. Did everyone read it? — S: I definitely got shit from my guy friends, like, “You really expect me to read this?” And then every single one did. — ERICA: Actually, my brother is one of the only ones who didn’t.” - × × ×
“Save-the-date by Mr. Boddington’s Studio.” — http://mrboddington.com/ - × × ×