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Androids Are For Cheap Pessimists, iPhones Are For Worldly Optimists | TechCrunch - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
"Ever wonder what’s the real difference between Android and iPhone users? According to Hunch, Android users are 10 percent more likely to be men, skew younger, and 20 percent more likely to be politically conservative. As you can see from the infographic below, they have good incomes, but iPhone users tend to have higher household incomes. Android users are also “slightly more likely to be pessimists,” introverts, and are 29 percent more likely to want to save their money. iPhone owners are more likely to be optimists, extroverts, and are self-admittedly “high-maintenance.” They are 26 percent more likely to enjoy spending money on shiny objects. They also are 27 percent more likely to consider themselves leaders than followers and are 50 percent more likely to be early adopters. In contrast, Android users are 31 percent more likely to be later adopters and “57 percent more likely to prefer an ugly device that’s full-featured.” There is also a much higher chance Android users own PCs than Macs. Just sayin’." • #говоря_статистически - × × ×