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What If Google’s Social Layer Is Chrome? What If Facebook Builds A Browser? - http://techcrunch.com/2010...
“We want people to be more logged in to Google,” — CEO Eric Schmidt said last week. Having an always-on presence at the browser level could certainly achieve that. Google would be able to see everything you do on the web. And they would be smart enough to make you opt-in to this. All in the name of serving you better content and a better experience, I’m sure. ¶ To see an even more extreme version of this model in action, you only have to look at Android and the iPhone. With each of those platforms, you sign-in not at the browser level, but at the system level. Again, this is all done in the name of ease (which is very real), but it also gives both Google and Apple access to a huge amount of data about you.” #волшебные_браузеры - × × ×