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Care to Write Army Doctrine? With ID, Log On - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/glogin...
“For a couple hundred years, the Army has been writing doctrine in a particular way, and for a couple months, we have been doing it online in this wiki,” said Col. Charles J. Burnett, the director of the Army’s Battle Command Knowledge System. “The only ones who could write doctrine were the select few. Now, imagine the challenge in accepting that anybody can go on the wiki and make a change — that is a big challenge, culturally.” Under the three-month pilot program, the current version of each guide can be edited by anyone around the world who has been issued the ID card that allows access to the Army Internet system. About 200 other highly practical field manuals that will be renamed Army Tactics, Techniques and Procedures, or A.T.T.P., will be candidates for wikification. “One of the great advantages we have is that we are a disciplined force,” he said. “We are hierarchical. When the boss says ‘do this,’ it tends to get done. Even those who don’t like to write will add something.” - × × ×