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Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas • Paul Graham - http://paulgraham.com/ambitio...
"One of the more surprising things I've noticed while working on Y Combinator is how frightening the most ambitious startup ideas are. In this essay I'm going to demonstrate this phenomenon by describing some. Any one of them could make you a billionaire. That might sound like an attractive prospect, and yet when I describe these ideas you may notice you find yourself shrinking away from them. Don't worry, it's not a sign of weakness. Arguably it's a sign of sanity. The biggest startup ideas are terrifying. And not just because they'd be a lot of work. The biggest ideas seem to threaten your identity: you wonder if you'd have enough ambition to carry them through. There's a scene in Being John Malkovich where the nerdy hero encounters a very attractive, sophisticated woman. She says to him: Here's the thing: If you ever got me, you wouldn't have a clue what to do with me." - × × ×
1) A new search engine, 2) Replace Email, 3) Replace Universities, 4) Internet Drama, 5) The Next Steve Jobs, 6) Bring Back Moore's Law, 7) Ongoing Diagnosis. - × × ×