urbansheep@gmail.com › Теги: 2010год

Best New Blogs of 2010 « The Bygone Bureau - http://bygonebureau.com/2010...
“Editors Kevin Nguyen and Nick Martens talk with fellow bloggers about favorite new additions to their RSS readers.” #2010год - × × ×
Give Me Something To Read — Best of 2010 - http://givemesomethingtoread.com/post...
“This was my first full year at the helm of Give Me Something To Read, and to mark it, I’ve compiled this list of the best articles and essays I posted through 2010 (limited to those that were actually published in 2010). Best, obviously, is subjective, and what this list comprises is a selection of my favourites and reader favourites (as judged by the number of notes they got on Tumblr).” #2010год #longreads - × × ×