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Facebook hype will fade - Douglas Rushkoff for CNN.com - http://edition.cnn.com/2011...
“So it's not that MySpace lost and Facebook won. It's that MySpace won first, and Facebook won next. They'll go down in the same order. The longer the company can maintain the illusion of great profits without alienating its user base, the longer they can delay the inevitable decline. But given that Facebook has already begun cashing in its chips, that moment has quite likely arrived.” #facebook_down - × × ×
У него ещё знатная заметка про social media в целом на mashable была, где он очень вкратце пересказывает свою книжку Life Inc. и объясняет, как корпорации всю идею интернета изуродовали и опошлили - Gleb Kalinin